The faculty law at the Arab American University organized a symposium under the name of “Human rights in Palestine: Violations and confrontation facilities” with the cooperation of the Palestinian centre for the independence of the legal profession and the judiciary “Mosawah”. This workshop was presented by the defenders network for Palestinian human rights that the centre presents and the workshop was for the law students.
By the presentation of the head of the law department at the faculty of law Dr. Saeed AbuFarah and the members of the network and the defenders of the Palestinian human rights, Nour Qasrawi, Ala’ Herzallah and Sultan Zakarneh, the law students, the Arabic and Media department and the academic members at the faculty and department.
The workshop was opened by the head of the department at law faculty Dr. AbuFarah who welcomed the guests and mentioned that the university is concerned in the cooperation with institutions and organizations that are concerned in human rights and laws, he also thanked “Mosawah” centre for the role in the awareness for citizens.
Dr. AbuFarah also said that there is an understanding between the faculty and the centre in order to exchange experiences and arrange activities and sessions for the students to take advantages in all aspects of human rights and international laws. He also said that the defender members of the network are some of the Arab American University graduate students and that shows the good experience that the Arab American University provides to its students. He clarified that the members will present three axes which are: the concept of the human rights and its development, the convenient of the national law with the international law rules and the mechanisms to imply the agreements and the international covenants that care for the human rights.
Nour Qasrawi gave the definition of the human rights and talked about its specialities and starting, she said that the human rights as a concept is like all the other concepts that one can’t put a full definition to it as it is always changing and developing. But there is no doubt that all know that the human rights are all the rights needed for human beings to live a great safety healthy life, and the rights needed to make people humans and are concerned in the civil, political, economical and social life.
Ala’ Herzallah mentioned that the most important international resources for human rights are the universal declaration of human rights and the international covenant on civil and political rights, the international covenant on the economic the social and the cultural Rights. He said that the way to imply such international covenant is through joining the international agreements and forming committees that make sure to imply the laws to protect the human rights and the human rights board and the international security board.
Then at the end of the symposium, they gave students the chance to ask questions and discuss issues together.