Journal Name:
Advances in Life Science and Technology
Pages From:
الثلاثاء, سبتمبر 1, 2015
Standard precautions, Knowledge, compliance, Nurse
Standard precautions are the basic level of infection control precautions which are to be used, as a level of
precautions and recommended when delivering the care to all patients, regardless of their presumed infection
status. Therefore nurses should have sound knowledge and compliance with standard precaution. Aim of the
study: The study aimed to assess the level of knowledge and compliance of standard precautions among the
nurses in the southern hospitals of Palestine. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted between March
and May 2015 in three governmental hospitals(Alia hospital in Hebron city, Al Hussain hospital in Beit Jala,
and Abu Al Hassan hospital in Yatta and three private hospitals Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron city, Al- Mizan
Hospital in Hebron city, and Bethlehem Arab Society hospital in Bethlehem city) found in south West bank
districts. Data were collected using pretested questionnaire on 204 nurses selected by convenience sample.
Collected data were checked, coded and transferred to SPSS version 20 for analysis. Frequency, Mean and other
statistics were calculated. P-value less than 0.05 were set as statistically significant. Results: the current study
revealed that 78 (38.2%) had fair knowledge, and 77(37.8%) had good knowledge of standard precautions.
However, approximately one quarter 49 (24.0%) of the studied sample had poor knowledge level. According to
their compliance, more half 108 (52.9%) of the participants had fair level, 93(45.6%) had good level and only
3(1.5%) had poor level.Conclusion: the nurses in the current study for both knowledge and compliance have fair
level regarding standard precautions. However, one quarter still had poor knowledge level. Recommendations:
Updating knowledge and compliance of nurses through continuing in-service educational programs; emphasizing
the importance of following latest evidence-based practices of infection control in continuing education / training
program; providing training programs for newly nurses about standard precaution and at regular intervals; and a
replication of this study using observation checklist should be done to assess the level of compliance.