The first International Conference
Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding in Palestine: Challenges and Future Perspectives
Arab American University, Jenin (AAUJ) – Palestine
1 – 2 June 2014
Registration: 9:00-10:00
Opening Session: 10:10:30
- Recitation of some verses of the Holly Quran
- Palestinian National Anthem
- A minute of silence in commemoration of Palestinian martyrs
- Opening Speech: His Excellency, Dr. Mohammad Shtieh, Chairman of AAUJ Board of Trustees
- Welcoming Speech of the hosting University ‘AAUJ’: by the university President, Prof. Mahmoud Abu Mouis
First Day, Sunday, June 1st, 2014
First Session: Exploring the core issues of the Israel-Palestine conflict
Chairperson: Dr. Mufid Qassoum (AAUJ)
1. Dr. Manar Makhoul: (Badil Center, Bethlehem): The Palestinian refugees, the right of return and the “Peace Process”
2. Dr. Jad Isaac: (Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem-ARIJ): Israeli settlements and their strategic implication on conflict transformation
3. Prof. Yousef Jabaarin: (Um-Fahim): Israel planning strategies in Jerusalem and the violations of the Palestinian right to the city.
4.Noa Shaindlinger: Imagining futures: Planning the return of the Palestinian refugees
Break: 12:00 -`12:15
Second Session: Popular and nonviolent resistance
12:15- 13:45
Chairperson: Dr. Chuck Thiessen (Coventry University)
1. Dr. Marwan Darwish: (Coventry University): Palestinian popular resistance against the construction of the separation wall and settlements
2. Dr. Mazen Qumsiyeh: (Bir Zeit University): Popular resistance role in the conflict transformation.
3. Dr. AbdulrahmanTamimi: (Al-Quds University): The future of the popular resistance under a temporarily/peace framework agreement
4. Mr. Mahmoud Zwahre: (Coordination Committee of PRF, Bethlehem): Popular resistance as a fourth phase towards third popular nonviolent Intifada.
5. Dr. Diego Checa Hidalgo: (University of Granada, Spain): Struggling against the occupation: Nonviolent international interventions for conflict transformation in the occupied Palestinian territories
6. Ana Sanchez: Palestine/Israel NOVACT Delegate. International Institute for Nonviolent Action: The role of civil society in peace building and conflict transformation: legitimacy war and the case of Palestine
Lunch Break: 13:45-15:00
Third Session: The role of language, literature, art and intellectuals in forming, deforming and transforming the conflict
Chairperson: Dr. Rasem Kayed (AAUJ)
1. Prof. Ahmad Atawneh: (The University of Hebron): Analysis of Israeli political discourse of the Israeli-Arab conflict
2. Prof. Mohammad Dawabsheh: (AAUJ): The image of the “other” in the Israeli-Arab conflict’s literature.
3. Prof. Eser Selen: (Kadir Has University-Istanbul): Experiences under occupation: An exploration of conflict transformation through Palestinian and Israeli artists’ lives and works.
4. Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh: (Bir Zeit University): The role if Israeli academics in the formation, deformation and transformation of the Zionist-Palestinian conflict
Second Day, Monday – June 2nd 2014
First Session: The Israeli demand of the “Jewishness” of the State of Israel as a hindrance to conflict transformation
Chairperson: Dr. Zuhair Al Sabbagh
1. Prof. Ghazi Falah (University of Akron, Ohio): The territorial implication Of Israel’s demand to be recognized by the Palestinians as a “Jewish State”.
2. Dr. Mohannad Mustafa: (Um-Fahim): The meaning of the “Jewish State” according to Benjamin Netanyahu’s Government
3. Mr. Antwan Shalhat: (The Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies-Madar/Ramallah): The “Jewishness of the State” construct as an insurmountable obstacle for conflict transformation and peace.
Second Session – A: The Role of women and youth in conflict transformation
Chairperson: Prof. Yousef Jabaarin (Um-El-Fahim)
1.Prof. Ayman Yousef& Razan Abu Libdeh: (AAUJ): Changing strategic priorities of the Palestinian youth movement in the age of conflict transformation: critical appraisal.
2. Dr. Saira Orakzai: (University of London): Historical dialogue process as an approach for conflict transformation: The case study of Israel-Palestine conflict 1948.
3. Dr. Momen Zyoud: (University of Ottawa): The role of women and children during the conflict and the peace building process.
4. Mr. Casey Davison O'Brien: Understanding division and unity among Palestinian youth: the impact of the fragmentation of Palestinian identity on the nature of coexistence and dialogue among Palestinian youth from either side of the Green Line (Coventry University)
5.Dr. Bhawna Sharma: (Jawaharlal Nehru University-JNU/India): Women as peace builders in Israeli-Palestinian conflict: past, present and future.
Second Session-B: Media, cyberspace and historical narrative in fuelling the conflict and/or its transformation
Chairperson: Prof. Eser Selen: (Kadir Has University)
1.Dr. Khalid Rabayah: (AAUJ): The Arab/Palestinian-Israeli conflict in cyberspace.
2. Mr. Said Abu Mualla: (AAUJ): Palestinian-Israeli cyber conflict: An analytical study of the Israeli propaganda in social networks: Facebook as a case study.
3. Ms. Sonja Astley: (Coventry University): Changing entrenched narratives: What can be learnt from the case study Dresden for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Break: 12:00-12:15
Third Session: The political economy of the “peace process” and the “economic peace”
Chairperson: Prof. Ayman Yousef (AAUJ)
1.Prof. Fadle Naqib: (University of Ottawa): The political economy of the “Peace Process” and the meaning of “Economic Peace”
2. Dr. Rasem Kayed: (AAUJ): Israeli-Palestinian economic initiatives and conflict Transformation
3. Dr. Mufid Qassoum: (AAUJ): Does Israel want peace? Preventers and transformers of the Zionist/Israeli-Arab/Palestinian Conflict.
4. Dr. Abdul Hamid Musa (Jordan): The “Economic Peace” and Peacebuilding especially in the aftermath of Oslo era.
Lunch Break: 13:45- 15:00
Fourth Session: Dialogue, Social Capital and Conflict Transformation
Chairperson: Dr. Marwan Darwish (Coventry University)
1.Dr. Chuck Thiessen: (Coventry University): The dilemmas of dialogue: Are intergroup meetings transforming the Israeli-Palestine conflict
2. Prof. Raffaella Nanetti: (The University of Illinois at Chicago, the University of LUM Bari Jean Monnet (Italy) and Esoclab (London): The Social Capital as a means of conflict transformation.
3. Dr. Alessandra Ricciardelli: (LUM Bari Jean Monnet University- Italy): Universities as sites of Social Capital building towards conflict transformation and sustainable development: The Post-conflict Croatian Model
Closing Session/Press Conference: Summary, Recommendations and Certificates
- Dr. Rasem Kayed (AAUJ)
- Dr. Mufid Qassoum (AAUJ)
- Dr. Marwan Darweish (Coventry University)
- Dr. Chuck Thiessen (Coventry University)
- Dr. Eser Selen (Kadir Has University)
- Dr. Alessandra Ricciardelli (LUM Bari)