About 3000 high school students benefited from the orientation day activities organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and hosted by the Arab American University in its sports hall, with the participation of the Palestinian universities.
From the high school students’ orientation tour
15 universities and colleges participated in the Orientation day. The students of the 90 schools from the Education Governorate in Jenin, Qabatya, Tubas are along with students from the Ramallah, Bethlehem, Salfet and Nablus schools.
The VP of the Arab American University for Academic Affairs Dr. Zaki Saleh, representing the University President Prof. Dr. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri, launched the day's activities with a speech, welcoming the students, the representatives of the education directorates and the participating Palestinian universities. Stressing on the University’s pleasure to host the orientation meeting on this day which reflects the integration among the different higher education institutions. He praised the Ministry of Higher Education efforts in organizing such important days in guiding the students to choose the university which leads their future path through its available academic programs. Also thanked the orientation day preparatory committee and all the participating university’s departments contributing in this day success.
“Today, AAUJ hosts you on this orientation, which is organized every year for you. We’re confident that you are responsible people at this important stage of your lives and future and able to make the right decisions to be the first steps into a bright future, fully aware you’re a generation of great energies and creativity because you are Palestinians who grew up to love knowledge, our mean to build ourselves and our homeland. Today is your opportunity to learn about the Arab American University faculties and specializations and the other Palestinian universities, making it easier for you to decide your future and fulfill your desire to join the specialization showing you the way to a promising future to serve our Palestine”, Dr. Saleh said to the participating students.
The Director of Jenin Education Directorate Mr. Tariq Alawneh, delivered a speech on behalf of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education Dr. Sabri Saidam, in which he thanked the Arab American University for hosting this significant orientation day in all its details. Pointing that the ministry organizes such days to help high school students learn about the new nature and regulations of the universities and colleges educational and cultural life, those activities aim to guide and introduce the high school students to higher education institutions and accredited specializations.
He stressed that the Ministry of Higher Education is working through its various programs to instill the spirit of success in its students and develop their excellence and creativity is to enhance them academically. It’s also keen and continuously coordinates with Palestinian universities to provide leading and modern specializations to meet the educational objectives of the student, fulfill the labor market needs and achieve the best global levels.
During the day, students visited the universities and colleges corners, received publications on the offered specializations by each one. They also listened to detailed answers to their various inquiries. The Deanship of Student Affairs volunteers and the Public Relations Department organized field trips for high school students on the Arab American campus to check its various faculties and academic programs.