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Alumni News

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Photos from the end of the training "Digital Marketing, Concept and Tools" for Tamayyaz team with the trainer Tariq Albzour. The importance of this training comes from the fact that digital marketing has become the language of marketing in modern times, and the success of any institution or company depends mainly on the marketing plan set by the institution.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

AAUP students participated in the Challenge of Arab Financial Inclusion in the Youth Village by the Sharek Youth Forum in partnership with the Monetary Authority and the Capital Market Authority in the presence of the Governor of the Monetary Authority Mr. Azzam Al Shawa, and banks representatives, insurance companies, banking institutions and funding institutions.

The event included many challenges, competitions, theater performances and games aimed at spreading the financial culture that’s responsible in banking services of the participants in creative and innovative ways.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

AAUP team wins in Second Place in the training program “Ana Jawwal” organized by Jawwal Company in its tenth edition for the year 2018/2019, where 7 universities participate in, and contains 20 teams from different universities.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

University students performed a voluntary day for the children in Al-Gad Center for rehabilitation of autistic children in Jenin, containing many activities and events such as games, training, singing, dabkeh and giving away gifts.

This activity was performed in the cooperation with the Palestinian Education for Employment, which is one of many volunteering activities carried out by the University's students for the local community and under the direct supervision of the Deanship of Student Affairs.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Arab American University hosted two workshops about banking awareness and services presented by Mr. Tariq Mahajneh, from the non-financial consultant dept. at Bank of Palestine, with the participation of university students in cooperation with the Palestinian Education for Employment.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Alumni Affairs Dept. at Deanship of Student Affairs hosted interviews with Arab American University students who want to join the training program organized by Jawwal Company entitled "Ana Jawwal" in its eleventh season with the participation many applicants from Arab American University.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Tamayyaz Team at AAUP organized an environmental path in the village of Faquah 11 km north-east from Jenin, the head of the village council Mr. Barakat al-Omari welcomed the students valuing these activities, which contribute to know more about our beauty country and encourage internal tourism.

Al-Omari pointed to the importance places and areas that the tourist’s visit. Giving the students an introductory presentation about the town, the reason for naming the area, the population and what distinguishes this town.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Arab American University hosted a workshop to introduce the Free-lance Academy presented by Rand Safi, Program Officer at Gaza Sky Geeks, with the participation of graduates and interested students.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Students from Tamayyaz program at AAUP participated in the coexistence camp with the national security forces which was held in Nuweima camp in Jericho and lasted for three days.

The purpose of the camp, which was organized by Sharek Youth Forum, is to provide participants with the skills of commitment, discipline, leadership and national responsibility, as well as to break the barrier between members of the security services and citizens.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Alumni Affairs Dept. at the Deanship of Student Affairs and the Palestinian Education for Employment finishes two training courses entitled “Looking for Job is a Job itself" with the participation of 67 graduate students.

The course, which was distributed on 20 training hours, discussed important topics related to how to search for a job search such as communication skills, ways to writing your CV and cover letter, ways to search for a job, and how to prepare for successful interviews.
