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Two Training Workshops at Arab American University in Cooperation with "INJAZ Palestine"

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Part of the training with Coach Fadi Souqia

Alumni Affairs Department organized two training courses in cooperation with INJAZ Palestine entitled “Success in my profession” presented by the volunteer Osama Al-Saadi and "Be Entrepreneur" presented by volunteer Fadi Souqia.

Alumni Affairs Department Manager Bilal Al Ashqar, welcomed INJAZ Foundation, stressing on such programs importance to enrich the graduates' experiences and expand their awareness. In turn, Director of Injaz office in Jenin Ahmed Abu Farah thanked the Arab American University for its continuous cooperation, providing a brief introduction for participants on INJAZ and its training programs.

The workshops, attended by 45 students, focused on important training titles for upcoming graduates to ensure their success in the future, whether in a regular job or pilot entrepreneurs. Also they focused on the importance for participants to know their strengths and weaknesses and setting a realistic goal and work to achieve it. The training was great with the trainees’ interaction and work as groups, brainstorming was used to discuss the raised issues.