Biology and Biotechnology Department at AAUJ Faculty of Science opened an educational tools exhibition, it included games, educational tools and mummified animals done by the department students in participation with Najda Association and Freedom Theater.
Part of the educational tools exhibition
The exhibition launched with VP for Training Affairs Dr. Nizam Diab speech, in which he stressed on the importance of organizing scientific exhibitions in partnership with local institutions. He said this exhibition is an opportunity to see biology and biotechnology students’ work, it’s also active partnership through cooperating with institutions to display games, tools and teaching tools for children and school students.
The representative of Najda Association Abla Al-Mahroum said “The idea of establishing educational games exhibitions is to be basic tools for developing reading, writing and thinking skills to solve problems and make decisions, rules and laws. Skills the child needs to practice and master from interactive sensory side before the abstract side”.
She added, we came to participate in the Arab American University fair to present the idea of producing games to be the basic learning tool for academics, students and all those interested in developing basic learning skills for children. The exhibition includes educational games that supports logical thinking skills and logical mathematical thinking for reading and writing.
“This exhibition is a result of Early Childhood program at Freedom Theater and ended training period on mechanism of producing educational games for optimal use to achieve educational goals in kindergarten environment. We need deeper understanding of educational games and enhance cognitive learning concepts”, said Imad Abu Hantash Deputy Chairman of the Freedom Theater Directors Board.
As for Biology and Biotechnology Dr. Rola Jadallah, she stressed that the gallery content of mummified animals made by Zoology course students, these animals were put in to show the students distinctive works to companies, institutions and participants in the exhibition.