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For the 5th Time … Arab American University Team Wins "Ana Jawwal" Training Program 1st Place

Saturday, December 30, 2017

During the team awarding

For the fifth time in a row, the Arab American University team won the first place among seven participating universities in the training program “Ana Jawwal” organized by Jawwal Company in its ninth edition for 2016/2017 with participation of over 130 students. The Arab American University team included 21 students from different faculties.

 The announcement was made at a ceremony by Jawwal at the Carmel Hotel in Ramallah in presence of Jawwal’s Marketing Department Director Alaa Hijazi, PR Director Thaer Abu Bakr, Head of University Alumni Affairs Department Bilal Al-Ashqar and the participating universities representatives and Ana Jawwal Teams from different universities. AAUJ team received the first prize, worth 10,500 Jordanian Dinars.


Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Abdullah Wolweel congratulated the university team on their achievement for the fifth time in a row, saying “We are proud of your achievement, which proves again your ability to prove yourself and win the challenge”. He thanked Jawwal for investing in youth through this training program, providing participants with important experiences to enter the labor market with efficiency and competence. Also, hiring two members of this team by Jawwal right after graduation is a proof of such programs importance to close them to the market


He explained that “Ana Jawwal” training program implemented by Jawwal for nine years now in all universities in the country to train students and include them its programs and various campaigns, in addition to applying their theoretical study in practical experiences. Indicating, excellence standards are all about commitment, punctuality and accomplish each campaign’s desired goal. Also working as a team to organize events, achieve the highest rates in sales and interaction with the public through social media.