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Community Affairs

Monday, April 1, 2019
Part of the Workshop

The Office of the Assistant President for Community Affairs at AAUP organized a workshop about culinary culture and French food, in partnership with the French Cultural Center of the French Consulate, the workshop hosted French media chef specialists Francois Roboth and Philippe Bourguignon, and the former general manager of Paris' most famous restaurants.

The workshop is part of the French Cooking Week in the Palestinian territories in its fifth edition.

The workshop was opened by the Assistant President of Community Affairs Dr. Iyad Dalbah, in a speech he welcomed the attendance, pointing out the importance of other cultures knowledge, assuring the benefit of networking between various international institutions and the university.

Sunday, March 24, 2019
Part of the workshop

The Office of the Assistant President of the University for Community Affairs, in partnership with the Faculty of Law, and in cooperation with the Palestinian Initiative to Deepen the Global and Democratic Dialogue (MIFTAH), organized a workshop about the draft copy of the Palestinian Constitution to introduce it to the youth and their rights.​

The workshop was opened by the Assistant President of the University for Community Affairs Dr. Iyad Delbeh he welcomed the audience and the coordinator of (Miftah) in Jenin Farha Abu Al-Haija, the Attorney Nora Sobh, the interviewer Fathi Al-Natour, faculty members and students from Faculty of Law. As he assured the importance of this workshop, especially that there are courses that studies the Palestinian constitution.

Monday, March 11, 2019
Part of the Lecture

The University organized a lecture for its students about the Samaritan community living in Palestine, in order to introduce them to the oldest community in the world and their customs and traditions, hosted by the Samaritan community priest and director of the Samaritan Museum in Nablus the priest Husni Wassef.

The lecture was opened by the president assistant for Community Affairs Dr. Iyad Delbah, welcoming the attendees, as he pointed out that the Samaritan community is part of the Palestinian community, where in this lecture the students are introduced to the Samaritan community, their customs and traditions.


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