Faculty Nursing at AAUP organized a workshop about “the causes of kidney failure and ways of treatment and prevention”, presented by Mr. Allam Rizkallah who worked at a number of hospitals and kidney care departments at the United Arab Emirates.
Delegates and directors from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, and Nursing Directors from public and private hospitals and primary care attended the workshop. As well as Prof. Mohamed Assia, Dean of Allied Medical Sciences and President Assistant for Medical Schools Affairs, along with Dr. Emad Abu Khadr Dean of the Faculty of Nursing.
AAUP signed a collaboration agreement with Jacksonville University in Florida-USA for launching a PH.D. program in Nursing.
AAUP presented by Prof. Waleed Deeb the Academic Advisor signed the agreement with Jacksonville University presented by Prof. Randy Friburn Vice President, and Prof. Christine Sabianza, Vice-Academic, with in the presence of Prof. Mohamed Asia Assistant President at AAUP for Medical Faculties Affairs.
Prof. Christine Sabianza assured that this agreement is a result of Jacksonville University high confidence in AAUP in general and in the faculty of Nursing in particular, as for its academic reputation, faculty members and its graduates.
Arab American University celebrated the Down Syndrome International Day by organizing a workshop entitled “I am a part of you, & I am with you” sponsored by the Minister of Social Development Dr. Ibrahim Al-Sha’er, in cooperation with Al-Rahim Society for Down Syndrome "Love Syndrome". The aim of the workshop is to highlight the down syndrome that has suffered from ignorance and encouraging and supporting it.
Before the workshop, a meeting was held with Prof. Ali Zidan Abu Zuhri and the Minister of Social Development Dr. Sha’er, in the presence of the Governor of Jenin Major General Akram Rajoub, and Board Member of the University Dr. Raed Dalbah, Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs Mr. Faleh Abu Arrah, Dean of both faculties of Allied Medical Sciences and Nursing Prof. Mohammed Asyiah, and Director of Public Relations Mr. Fathi Amour.