Announcement iconContinuing Accepting Applications for Admission !!
for the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2019/2020

Finding Job Skills Training

Feb/14 10:00 - Feb/19 14:00
Deanship of Students Affairs Training Hall - Deanship of Students Affairs building

A free training for all the upcoming university graduates. The training includes crucial training topics and issues needed during the search process for future career. The training will be added as 50 community service hours for students of both Faculty of Commerce and Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.

*Registration Deadline Saturday evening 11/2/2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 10:00 to Sunday, February 19, 2017 - 14:00
Deanship of Students Affairs Training Hall - Deanship of Students Affairs building

Free training for the upcoming grads

Call for upcoming graduates ((This year’s First and Second semester grads)) from all specializations should quickly register for the free training provided by Alumni Affairs Department in cooperation with Education for Employment Palestinian Organization.

Note, training is graduation requirement for Faculties of Administrative Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology, it will be count as part of community service needed to graduate.

*It’s not allowed to miss any meeting

*All interested to participate in the training must fill the form, even if you’re already registered it’s important to provide your information again