Alumni Affairs Department concluded the youth workshop lasted two days "The role of youth in political participation," provided by coaches Riad Shreim and Fadi Soqieh with thirty students preparing to graduate participating, in partnership with Palestinian Peace Coalition and Omnia Youth Center.
Head of university alumni affairs department Bilal Al-Ashqar concluded the workshop emphasizing on the importance of such workshops in refinement students personalities and activate their role in society. He focused on the importance of these workshops in allowing youths to participate in political life, set future policies and decision-making, its affective working mechanism to change society. In turn, director of Omnia youth center, Jenin Mohammed Abu Hammad thanked AAUP for its cooperation providing all facilities to accomplish this activity due to its importance to students and community as a whole. Then Mr. Issa Abu Hantash discussed the importance of youths’ role in leading advocacy campaigns in all public issues and problems Palestinians have at political, intellectual, or community levels. He focused on youth important role in positive change process in community.
First training day, Dr. Riad Shreim talked about the history of student movement, the university and how they evolve over years. Also he discussed the importance of student movements in universities, services provided by them for students, what’s the general activities done by students’ movement and how important it is for students and community. Moreover, he talked about university students and student movements’ role in forming influence and pressure campaigns on decision-makers and launch peaceful campaigns within the community in order to make the desired change for the advancement Palestinian reality.
Second training day, coach Fadi Soqieh briefed the general steps to prepare and execute crowd campaigns presenting the main favored steps in setup and most important issues to avoid in order to ensure proper preparation and implementation of crowd campaigns generally. Also a number of issues have been discussed and opened, brainstorming to identify the most important strategies and public activities to advocate, how to use media in managing crowd and advocacy campaigns, the importance of acquiring high skills in marketing for lobbying and marketing crowd and advocacy campaigns, the importance of innate and acquired leadership qualities to gain support to succeed in crowd and advocacy campaigns and accomplish goals.
By the workshop end certificates where distributed for participants in presence of all partners and trainees.