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Effective participation of “Tamayyaz” Jenin and Arab American students. closing ceremony of second youth debate camp in Youth Village

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Concluded Sharek Youth Forum ended youth debate camp activities held under supervision of Youth Network for Dialogue and Debate over three days, with active participation of Palestinian universities students, with British consulate support. It targeted youth development in political parties, local councils, youth and members of the boards of students, activists and volunteers about debates art and foundations of constructive dialogue, with 70 young men and women participating in Youth Village at Kafr Nemi, west of Ramallah.

In turn, Saydam experiences that promote and sow hope among Palestine’s youth, and stressed the importance of what the forum also spoke highly of the experience of the young village set up by the Forum in Kafr Nemi as a chance to promote and activate role of youth.

Saidam said that Palestinian curriculums were developed and designed according to the Palestinian vision based on freedom right and self-determination.

Executive Director of Sharek Badr Zmaarh said “The program was designed within learning and benefit methods from experiences and nature simulation in lively atmosphere, activity in charming forests, pure and healthy air,   that he will perform three training camps where participants, men and women, exchanging experiences, knowledge and experience, part of development methods and tools of dialogue and debate, in addition to working together to promote the spirit of volunteerism and increase opportunities for community participation”

He added, “the Forum adopted work guide and method combines theoretical expertise, practical applications, and work freely in the open air all the way to enable youth to plan their life and choices, take decisions efficiently, create structures and institutional frameworks capable to achieve merger, engage youth in decision-making locally”.

He said, “In this guide some ideas, practical examples and skills on topics; volunteer work, advocacy issues, debates, social media and other community work requirements. The Forum, through this guide hopes to achieve vision based on empowering youth gradually interactive, so exercises are complementary, linked to practical problems they face in work as active members, learn from reality and experience and correct courses of action and training needs in the future”.

Zmaarh said working on this guide came from the forum experience in establishing youth village, which exceeded the theoretical argument in a realistic vision consistent with youth ambitions and dreams.

Saydam said these experiences strengthen hope in Palestinians and youth focusing on importance of what the Forum do. Also spoke highly of the experience of Youth Village at Kafr Nemi as one of the important chances to strengthen and activate youth’s role.

For his part, Saidam added Palestinian curriculum developed and designed according to the Palestinian vision based on freedom right and self-determination.