Deanship of Students Affairs along with Shashat Institution present a short film called “Ra’yiah” for the Director Fidaa Ataya, this is the first show that is hosted by AAUP within the 11th Shashat Festival called “Lets watch a movie” and this year’s slogan is “Ana Falestinia”
The film tells an imaginary story about Wadi El Maleh and Ain El-Helweh to express the Palestinian woman's agricultural life and the suffering of farmers with the occupation and the loss of their lands and water.
before the film, The Head Assistant of Alumni Affairs Mr. Bilal Al-Ashqar welcomed the attendees, thanking Shashat for supporting the Palestinian cinema and Palestinian women through their film. He added that this film is part of twenty shows, that will be presented in both Jenin and Ramallah campuses in the coming weeks.
Mr. Fadi Juma’h a lecturer at the Faculty of Arts moderated a discussion session concerning the film and listened to the student’s opinions.
“Ana Falestinia” is part of the project of " Lets watch a movie " for Shashat Institution in partnership with the University Graduates Association and the Sunflower Foundation for Human and Environmental Protection. this project is considered to be a three-year cultural and community project funded mainly by the European Union and co-financed by the Swiss CFD Foundation and the Representative of the Republic of Poland in Palestine.