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Photos From the Training of "Equal Opportunities" for Tamayyaz Team at Arab American University

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Department of Alumni Affairs hosted the Dutch Volunteer “Hela Wormirdarm” in a training workshop with Tamayyaz team at Arab American University, which talked about the rights, duties and the importance of equal opportunities for all without discrimination.

During the training, the volunteer discussed the importance of equal opportunities in proportion to the efficiency of individuals, regardless of color, religion and gender, stressing the importance of knowing the rights and duties of each individual in the society through using the methods mentioned in the training such as team working, enhancing skills of presentation of the trainees.

The student "Sara Abu-AlRub" expressed her happiness to participate in this training, which provides an important opportunity for students to enrich their language skills since the workshop was in English, in addition to its valuable contribution in increasing the knowledge of rights and duties of all members of society without discrimination.

Tamayyaz is a national strategic program aimed at empowering Palestinian university students by bridging the gap between the university environment of academic theoretical nature and the work environment that requires a different kind of skills and practical capabilities required by the labor market, which are constantly changing due to the great acceleration in Business world.