GAME COMPETITION "Expressions in pictures"
"Expressions in pictures"
The fourth-largest country in the world with international students and the first non-English-speaking country, France is an attractive destination, especially for lovers of the French language. French is not only the language of dreams and romance, it is also an international language, spoken by more than 300 million people and representing the 5th language spoken in the world. Campus France Jerusalem is pleased to invite you to discover the mysteries of the French language and its colorful expressions by participating in the contest "Expressions in pictures"!
For who ?
The competition is open to groups of students (5 students maximum) studying in Palestinian universities.
This contest challenges you to turn artistic sayings and expressions into art work. Each group should choose 3 expressions or sayings and their equivalence in French or Arabic from the list below or find other ideas and turn them into images. At the end, each participant will propose a series of 6 works of art (3 pairs). Artistic support is free of choice (photographs, drawings, paintings, collages, etc.)
How to apply?
Participants must send their applications by Wetransfer before 23 November 2019 with:
- A PDF document with the photos of the 6 artistic supports
- A presentation page of the artistic project
- A letter of support from the University of the participant (s)
- A copy of their ID / passport
The application must be sent to the following address:
The jury will select three projects. The winning projects will be exhibited within our cultural network. The students behind these projects will earn a round trip ticket to spend a weekend in France *.
* The trip to France remains conditioned by the issuance of a visa.