Arab American University along with Jenin’s Police to start an initiatives entitled “Community Police Role to Empower Justice and Rule of Law”
Meeting the University President
During the lecture held in AAUP a number of significant character including Deputy Governor of Jenin Kamal Aboalrob, Jenin’s Police Chief Mohanad Sawan, Jenin’s Mufti Sheikh Mohammad Abualrob, Head of Traffic Police Majdi Darweesh, PR and Media Manager for Jenin’s district Police Auos ‘Aitaniy, Representative of Students Affairs Dean Dr. Ali Zakarneh, AAU’s PR Manager Mr. Fathi Amoury and University’s Social Worker Dr. Laila Herzallah.
Before the lecture, a meeting held with university president Dr. Ali Zeidan Abu-Zuhri who welcomed the guests and focused on the importance of cooperation and serve the local community. Also he pointed that this is a core pillar for the university, saying that AAUP prepare its students to be beneficial for the community and he thanked the Jenin’s Police on their initiative.
The lecture started with Dr. Laila Herzalla’s word, she focused on the important partnership between the university and the police to guide local community to cooperate for fighting crimes. She said this initiative will held in campus, through consultancy lectures and training courses held for students themed; Traffic Safety, Online Blackmail, Family Protection and Drugs Fighting.
As for Deputy Governor of Jenin Kamal Aboalrob he focused on the importance of partnership between the community and its organizations. Also he said maintaining security is an essential pillar to build a society, so he asked to cooperate with police to fight any phenomenon that might harm the society.
Jenin’s Police Chief Col. Muhannad Sawan explained “Community Police” meaning, it’s based on communicating philosophy between the police and local community to fight crime and prevent it from happening. He said, it’s every patriot’s duty to cooperate with the police, as they need the community’s collaboration, every Palestinian holds the responsibility to be associate in building safe and secure society. Also he mentioned some of the community’s dilemmas and negative phenomena, drugs are the biggest. He added police seizes drugs almost every day, most of which (approx. 80%) are prepared for use. Moreover, he talked about Online blackmailing, warning everyone from dealing with strangers through Social Media.
Jenin’s Mufti emphasized the importance of helping police fighting crime as it’s a religious duty, clarifying that religion doesn’t contradict with the people best interest. Then he talked about the importance of developing a moral code, cooperate for the greater interest and fight everything harms the people.
Representative of the Pharmacists Syndicate Dr. Saher Aboushi provide an explanation of the symptoms that appear on drug users, he talked on the Ministry of Health efforts made in collaboration with Health and Pharmacists Syndicates to have a united prescriptions for doctors and pharmacies and not to give any medication without the ministry united prescription.