Arab American University organized a lecture on establishing “Policy Studies and Conflict Resolution Center” in the university campus at Ramallah and Al-Bireh with experts, politicians, analysts, academics and local and international academics participation.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The opening ceremony included President of University Board of Directors Dr. Youssef Asfour, University President Dr. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri, AAUP founder President Dr. Waleed Deeb, the American Human Right advocate Martin Luther King Jr., Moroccan Council in Palestine Mohammad Hamzawi, Head of the Joint Arabic List Deputy Ayman Odeh and representatives of international and local institute.
The lecture comes as a part of establishing “Policy Studies and Conflict Resolution center” center at AAU, first of its kind in Palestine, which will enrich researches in the field and the occupation effect on our Palestinian Question, this will positively serve graduate studies students, researchers in conflict and international relations.
The center will provide Palestinian decision makers with consultants and papers on the political situation in Palestine from academic and research point of view. It’s a gathering point for research centers and specialized researchers in Conflict Resolution all around the world.
University President Speech
The University President Dr. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri opened the lecture with a speech in which he said, “In a world where conflicts risk its safety, our need for human rights activists for dignified life. The voice of the younger than the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize winner, the cleric and political activist Martin Luther King said; Our scientific ability has overcome our spiritual power... We were able to direct missiles but we could not direct humans”.
He added, “As academic institutions play significant role in human mind improvement, Arab American University wanted to be a pioneer in the field and participate in building and improving Palestine and its institutions with its conflict center, as AAUP knows the necessity for local and international openness. So we’re looking forward to work along with other leading institutions in conflict resolution and peace in the world, to meet researchers need through establishing a forum that brings together researchers and centers from around the world with Palestinian researchers”.
Prof. Dr. Abu Zuhri pointed “We will work in harmony with political decision making circles so the institute helps in analyzing policies and gave recommendations for Palestinian decision makers to serve the public”, and thanking all the participants.
Martin Luther King Jr.
In his speech Martin Luther King said, “The World is one big house. It is a house whose inhabitants must learn to live together as brothers and sisters, or they are doomed to perish as fools. This is the message of my father, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is the message we must hear, and even more, the lesson we must learn, if we are to meet today’s challenges and opportunities as a global community. Indeed, it is the message at the core of the title of my presentation today. The role of the international community and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict”. He added, “As I consider the central theme of this conference, I am struck by its provocative sense. Provocative because it suggests the international community has responsibility for, and perhaps culpability in the conflict. Provocative also in the sense that ending the conflict is a matter of the international disposition as much as it is of the principle parties. These are, of course, big claims with profound geopolitical implications that are beyond the capacities of any one individual to determine.”
He pointed “Let me begin by suggesting that the whole world bears responsibility for both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples. At the same time, the Palestinian and Israeli peoples have a responsibility to the world. First, there is the responsibility of the Israeli people towards the world including their Palestinian neighbors, second, the responsibility of the Palestinians towards their Israeli neighbors and the world. And finally the rest of the world and their responsibility towards both communities individually and collectively”.
King Jr. said “We’re here today, share the view that nonviolence linked to achieve positive and lasting change in resolving protracted conflicts, we live in a world with increasing dangerous and challenges on several fields on the other hand hope is growing. We live in a world demanding the less fortunate and marginalized to hear their voices, their faces to be seen, and meet their needs, it’s no longer possible to leave them in the darkness of poverty, suffering, and intolerance as they are determined to join their fellow citizens in the light of opportunities and prosperity the world offers”.
“We believe that our nonviolence struggle, if implemented seriously and carefully, will bring tangible positive results to the world citizens. This is not limited to those present at this conference, but extends to our political, social, economic, cultural and religious conflicts, Americans and white Americans, Jews and Arabs, or Palestinians and Israelis, we’re all responsible for ensuring that we live in just, equal and secure society, for this, the role of the international community is to insist on geopolitical, cultural and social environments that promote justice, such environments come out of the basic values that are generally regarded as the base of human value itself, we see this happening by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, he added.
Diplomatic Corps Dean Representative Speech
In his speech, Diplomatic Corps Dean, Representative of Moroccan Embassy in Palestine Mr. Mohammad Hamzawi expressed his happiness on behalf of all members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited in Palestine to participate in the symposium of establishing the Policy Studies and Conflict Resolution Center, thanking University President, Chairman of Directors Board and Chairman of its Board of Trustees for their pioneering and proactive role in disseminating knowledge within Palestinians. He pointed, the University has always been a permanent academic institution by pushing and enriching knowledge process within the Palestinian society and generations of graduates who participate in managing the community affairs, administration, institutions and companies in various fields, in line with the vision and aspirations of the Ministry of Higher Education in Palestine to rehabilitate the youth and provide them with the experience and knowledge to enable them to engage in labor market. It’s all about training them to business world, through courses such “Business World” and “Start” programs”.
Mr. Hamzawi pointed, Palestine is internationally recognized for its educational level and its creative, innovative contribution to civilization, culture and knowledge for humanity, committed to the two-state solution and supports just and legitimate aspirations of Palestinian people to establish their independent state on the borders of June 1967 with East Jerusalem as capital, in accordance with international legitimacy relevant resolutions and on the basis of the Arab peace initiative as it is and without any amending. This was emphasized in the Arab Summit held recently in the Kingdom of Jordan.
He gave a number of suggestions to the center “You must not to focus only on the Palestinian case but to focus on the Arab status quo, the get out mechanism to leave this disturbance, answer the Arab citizen questions on democracy, human rights, development, youths and women situation concepts. The Moroccan Embassy will follow up all the centers activities.”
He concluded by congratulating the Arab American University for opening its new campus in Ramallah and Al-Bireh city and establish its center for Policy Studies and Conflict Resolution to be a new fundamental addition for Palestinian research and studies centers which we need the most in the Arab world.
Head of the Joint Arab List speech
As for the Head of the Joint Arab List Deputy Ayman Odeh he was proud of AAUP “From my Place in Haifa city I look at you with pride, this beautiful people who builds a state before the establishment of their state, institutions such as the Arab American University despite the irritations a plant that emerges between the rocks”, he said.
Pointing, the 1948 lands graduates from AAUP known for their dedication and excellence, as they pass the National test on their first attempt, a truth we should be proud of as Palestinian people of AAUP and its advancement scientifically, professionally and nationally.
After saluting the prisoners on their dignity hunger strike he said, “You will not find a people that loves Martin's values like the Palestinian people, Martin has found the jewel. The jewel that’s peoples’ interests are not contradictory. Those interests forms great river of humanity; equality promotes the humanity river and the Palestinian people interest does not contradict the Jews’ interests, but is to end the occupation and the realization of the rights of the Palestinian people is a real interest these values of Martin as the values of the Palestinian people”
The Seminar Sessions
The First Session
Meetings followed the ceremony, the first session moderated by the professor in conflict resolution and development in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the Arab American University Dr. Dalal Ireqat entitled "Between conflict resolution and administration - international community's role", the US human rights advocate Martin Luther King Jr. presented a paper in which he discussed the international community role in resolving disputes, referring to his father work in advocating the oppressed and fighting injustice peacefully, explaining that as son he adopted the non-violence philosophy, stressing the need for everyone to deal with respect, dignity and civilian. Pointing, to resolve some of the current conflicts some changes are required, expressing his happiness to establish Political studies Center to resolve conflicts in AAU.
Dr. Johnny Mac the Director of Major Institute DROM and specialist in conflicts, he mentioned Martin morals inherited from his father. Pointing, human interactions stand still to set a positive change for the world to live in respect and dignity, and calling to work directly to change injustice, achieve justice and resolve conflict in an innovative way.
The political science lecturer at Birzeit University Dr. Ahmed Al-Azm addressed the international community role in resolving Palestinian-Israeli conflict from the field of conflict studies point of view. Pointing, the world is based on managing conflict rather than resolving it, which makes the Israeli party gains a lot because it benefits from the time to impose facts on ground and transforming the conflict, that is, creating changes in the Palestinian society and its ideas to adapt with the occupation instead of resolving the conflict.
As for the specialist in conflicts resolution at George Town University Researcher Fakhera Halown talked about the international discourse on Palestinian-Israeli conflict, pointing that the Zionist movement and successive Israeli governments succeeded in creating international policy towards the conflict through declared and hidden international discourse. At the same time, there’s no accountability to Israel governments. There is also no decisive voice for resolving the conflict. Therefore, the issue remains and serves Zionist agendas, it won’t be resolved on the ground that it is complex.
The Second Session
On the second session, moderated by the Conflicts Resolution and Development program Lecturer at AAUP Faculty of Graduate Studies Dr. Ayman Yousef entitled “Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and its Effects on Palestinian identity”. Dr. Zeiad Darweesh, lecturer in a number of Arab and International universities, presented a paper entitled “Palestinian identity is a reality”, where he talked about the names used to call the 1948 Palestinians and the Israeli attempt to steel our identity along with their systematic theft for the Palestinian lands.
In turn, Philosophy, Cultural and Arab Studies Lecturer at Birzeit University Dr. Abdul Rahim Al-Sheikh gave a lecture entitled “Palestinian Identity in the Post-Colonial Colony: Anatomy”, in which he talked about identity transformations, the public and official interaction in the issue of prisoners and their current strike, as example.
As for the head of the Joint Arab List in the Israeli Knesset Deputy Ayman Odeh he spoke on the Zionist movement actions to tackle the process of shaping the Palestinian identity, denied the rumors that the Zionist movement created the Palestinian identity and talked about its history hundreds of years ago and what will be in the future, especially after establishing our independent state.
Arab American University Professor at the Faculty of Graduate Studies Dr. Nahid Habib-Allah presented a speech entitled “Making Palestinian identity and destroying identity in Jerusalem”, she talked about the mechanism to create Israeli identity by the Zionist movement and relating it to the Jewish religion and simultaneously wipe the Palestinian identity in Jerusalem culturally and religiously.
Participants came out with a number of recommendations, most significant, calling Palestinian Institutions and Research Centers to be partners in the program which would benefit Palestinian national interest through research and provide opportunities for researchers and graduate students at the Arab American University to publish papers in scientific journals.
Round Table
A round table meeting followed the lecture, which brought together many researchers, experts, academics, local and international politicians, to discuss the Center prospects of developing Policy Studies and Conflict Resolution at the Arab American University.
The Center-based team presented its vision, objectives and mission and opened discussions with representatives of distinguished research centers in the United States, Britain, Cyprus, Switzerland, Ireland and Sweden to present the views and proposals.
The participants discussed this center importance in Palestine. The round table also focused on identifying the partners’ role and discussing mechanisms of academic, research and scientific cooperation that will bring partners for the center.
Audience stressed on this seminar importance as they got feedback from participant experts, pointing that the center will open the way for researchers and postgraduate students at the university to study all aspects of the political situation and occupation impact on the Palestinian issue.