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The University Arranges a Training Workshop for 20 Students

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Arabic Language and Media Department at the Arab American University and under cooperation with the Vice-President office for the Community Affairs arranged a training workshop about producing documentary films. The training occurred at the training hall at the continuing education centre and the trainer was Mustafa Aziza, the documentary films producer.
The workshop was for 20 students from the Arabic Language and the Media Department and aimed to introduce the participant about the stages of producing the documentary films, how to overcome the difficulties during the producing process, how to express their reality and life concerns and to discover skills and abilities of the students in order to give them the needed support. 

Dr. Nitham Thiab, the Vice-President for the Community Affairs clarified that the university always seeks to arrange such training courses to prepare students to enter the labor market and to provide the needed trainers and the logistic materials. He also appreciated the role of the Arabic Language and Media Department to enhance the knowledge and culture of the students.

Mustafa Aziza projected two documentary films that he produced, one talks about the occupation traps to arrest Palestinians who are demonstrate at Kofor Qaddom village, the other talks about an international supporter who visited Palestine and all its villages and cities and he witnessed the suffering of the Palestinian people from the Israeli occupation.