The Faculty of Graduate Studies organized a workshop entitled "Peace in Ireland and Brexit implications on the Good Friday Agreement", the workshops targeted studdents from Conflict Resolution Master program in the course of Comparative Peace Processes, taught by Dr. Dalal Erekat.
Part of the workshop
The workshop hosted The Irish consul for Palestine Mr. Jonathan Kunlun, along with the lecturer at the Irish University of Maine Dr. Gary Mayson, and the political consul of the British consulate in Jerusalem Mr. Jack Fletzgerald.
Dr. Dalal Erekat started the workshop and welcomed the attendance. She pointed out that this course provides many ways for peaceful solution. The main way is through negotiation and mediation. She explained that the workshop comes to apply the theoretical lessons in practice. The first workshop dealt with the Cyprus conflict and the peace process, adding that this workshop is from Northern Ireland to learn from other experiences that faced conflicts in the world.
The Irish Consul for Palestine Mr. Jonathan Conlon, explained the Irish official view of the Good Friday Agreement and the implications of the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union on the peace process.
For his part, Dr. Gary Mason, lecturer at the University of Maine, Ireland, presented an academic view on the past lessons learned from the Irish experience.
While the political consul of the British consulate Mr. Jack Fletzgerald, presented the British view, referring to the British position in Northern Ireland and the implications of his country's exit from the European Union and its impact on the Irish peace process.
At the end of the workshop, the speakers answered students' questions and discussed the knowledge, analysis and projection of their experience on the Palestinian situation despite the specificity of the Palestinian cause.