Prof. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri the University President and Eng. Mazen Ghoneim, the Water Authority Chairman, signed a MoU in scientific research field in Ramallah. In order to contribute to the process of building and developing skills and knowledge in the field of water science, environment, community health, providing services, consultations and organization workshops and scientific days regarding the Palestinian water sector.
Part of the meeting and agreement signing
Prof. Dr. Abu Zuhri welcomed the Water Authority interest of directing scientific researches of an important sector which’s development depends on following the scientific and technical developments accompanying it. Considering that this approach serves as a strategic cooperation in various fields, and praising the great efforts of Water Authority staffs.
As for Minister Ghneim, he stressed on the Water Authority interest and support for any activity that contributes to development the water sector and its employees at various levels. He pointed, the Authority works with all partners; academic and civil society institutions to reach the best results in achieving everything to serve the Authority, who will provide every new technology that develops the sewage sector, since treated water is an alternative that must be developed for agriculture sector to benefit from.
He added, we urge all relevant institutions to focus on scientific research and come up with new research topics commensurate the real Palestinian market needs and keep pace with this field development.
The MoU notes that the Water Authority will provide the university with its research priorities regarding the water sector development, aiming to be adopted by the university researchers. The Authority will examine the possibility of providing lab equipment for water testing serving Jenin, Tubas and nearby governorates to serve the local community. Also to achieve its objectives in maintaining society and environment health and achieve water control.
In addition, the University is working on developing water technologies that serve the water authority through research and creating opportunities for integrated joint cooperation. Meanwhile, the Water Authority gives advices on water, environment and community health related courses, which serves the Palestinian labor market with relevant courses taught at the university.
The memorandum terms also included that the university will contribute with 50% grant of the credit hours fees for Water Authority staff wishing to complete postgraduate studies at the university, to help raising the government performance according to the applicable rules if they meet the university admission requirements according to rules. The two shall cooperate to activate the University role to establish specialized research centers in various fields, especially climate change and intelligent water management, and start research projects within the University for water and sanitation sector and develop it to keep pace with the latest scientific developments and sustainable needs.