Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics
American University of Sharjah-UAE
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
QDLs are promising sources of light because of their favorable properties compared to other sources of light. Emission in QDLs can access transitions in ground state (GS) and excited state (ES). Lasing due to the ES extends the spectral range and enables the laser to generate high output powers. Thus, lasing action due to the ES or to the dual lasing regime (GS and ES simultaneously) is expected to increase the applicability of QDLs in many future applications. In our work, we present a partially microscopic rate equation model that takes into account lasing action due to both the GS and the ES and distinguishes between both types of carriers (electrons and holes). Also, we present all possible steady-state solutions and we apply a stability analysis to the solutions to determine all stable lasing regimes (lasing due to the GS, lasing due to the ES and the dual lasing regime) to high light the role of ES transitions. Specifically, we address the appearance of lasing due to the ES to the larger population of the ES and hence to the larger gain in higher injected current regimes.
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