The Deanship of Student Affairs at Arab American University organized heritage events, to include two exhibitions of handicrafts, art works and local products, as they also presented some caricatures drawings for the martyr cartoonist Naji Al-Ali under the title "According to Handhala’s narrative" which took place for three days.
The exhibition was opened by the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Bashar Daraghmeh, in the presence of his assistant Professor Muhammad Kamil, and the employee of Cultural and Artistic Activities dept., Ms. Joanna Al-Hafi.
The Dean of Student Affairs Dr. Daraghmeh assured the importance of adhering the Palestinian heritage and its transmission through generations. This is the responsibility of the University to organize heritage events, exhibitions and other related matters.
Arab American University hosted the event of the 5th Bible Day entitled: We Get Up & Build”, organized by the Bible Society in Palestine, in the presence of the Governor of Jenin, Ibrahim Ramadan, the General Director of the Bible Society, Nashat Filmoun, and the spokesman of the Jerusalem Orthodox Patriarchate Father Issa Mosleh, And the representative of the Arab American University, Professor Uday Darghmeh.
During the event, the participants emphasized the unity of the Palestinian people Muslims and Christians, their steadfastness on the land of Palestine, their defense of Islamic and Christian sanctities, their rejection of Israeli racist policies and the Judaization of Jerusalem.
The Faculty of Engineering and IT at the Arab American University organizes a geographical information systems day, where some organizations related to the specialization participated, to enhance the GIS department students’ experience.
The opening session attended by Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Dr. Mujahid Aliyat, Head of Geographic Information Systems Department Dr. Jacqueline Abu Daoud, representatives of Palestinian universities in the West Bank, representatives of some ministries and related institutions and municipalities in the West Bank and the 1948 lands, the Arab American University academic and administrative staff and students of the University GIS Department.