The Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center (PCRSC) at AAUP in Ramallah campus hosted a lecture entitled “Upcoming European Elections and their Effect on European Policies towards the Palestinian Case”. The director of the (PCRSC) Mrs. Rula Shahwan began the lecture by expressing the importance of this meeting and its consistency with the center’s strategic plan of hosting lecturers for various topics in political and analytical talks that benefits graduate students and the local community.
The lecture was given by Director of Konrad Adenauer in Palestine Mr. Marc Frings, and the European Studies Specialist Dr. Amjad Abu Al Izz. Mr. Frings introduced The European Parliament elections explaining the ways in which 751 representatives are elected and seats are distributed based on the population of each country in Europe. He proceeded to speak about the privileges the European Union provides its citizens, the importance of spreading European unity and encouraging the European public to participate in facing the rise of populist parties that challenge the European integration.
Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center at the University organized a workshop at the University campus in Ramallah under the title "Integrating the concepts and methodologies of archiving in Palestine". The Center hosted the experts, Ms. Orsina Bentel, and Mr.
The workshop was attended by representatives of official institutions, civil society organizations and a number of academics and researchers in archiving and in the national narrative in West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Policy and Conflict Resolution Studies Center at the University organized a lecture entitled "Archiving between international concept and Palestinian concept" for students from conflict resolution program, and intercultural Communication and Literature program.
During the lecture, two experts from the Swiss Center for Peace and from the Government Archives, as well as the researcher Rola Shahwan a specialist in the Palestinian Visual Archive and Director of the Center gave a presentation on the theoretical concept of archiving, its importance and its role through various stages of Palestinian history, and building the Palestinian national narrative and the collective memory for the benefit of the future and the generations.