Announcement iconContinuing Accepting Applications for Admission !!
for the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2019/2020


Monday, September 23, 2019
The Student Abed Al-Rhaman Mohammad Barham from AAUP won in First place in the top first Palestinian competition for challenges

The Student Abed AlRhaman Mohammad Barham from AAUP won in First place in the top first Palestinian competition for challenges that was held in Al-Najah University, he won in DMZ challenge game with PHOENIX team after competing with 123 participant representing Al-Najah, Berzit, Arab American, Al-Quds, Polytechnic, Khadouri Universities.

The student will be qualified to participate in Arab Network Competition for Innovation that will be held at Jordan in 03/10/2019, he will present AAUP and if he is qualified he will receive a training opportunity in Canada.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019
AAUP earned the honoring positions of the Central Ceremony of Sports Activities 2018\ 2019 at Birzeit University

The Palestinian Federation of University Sports honored the winners of the university sports competitions for the academic year 2018/2019 at the Central Ceremony held at Birzeit University on Monday 29/7/2019 sponsored by His Excellency Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mowas, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Where AAUP was earned the following positions in the university games:

Sunday, July 21, 2019
Part of the Match

The winning of Senjil Team in the Palestinian Super Cup Match for Volleyball against Jious Team 3 to 1, in an exciting match hosted by AAUP Sprots Hall


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