The Student Abed AlRhaman Mohammad Barham from AAUP won in First place in the top first Palestinian competition for challenges that was held in Al-Najah University, he won in DMZ challenge game with PHOENIX team after competing with 123 participant representing Al-Najah, Berzit, Arab American, Al-Quds, Polytechnic, Khadouri Universities.
The student will be qualified to participate in Arab Network Competition for Innovation that will be held at Jordan in 03/10/2019, he will present AAUP and if he is qualified he will receive a training opportunity in Canada.
The Palestinian Federation of University Sports honored the winners of the university sports competitions for the academic year 2018/2019 at the Central Ceremony held at Birzeit University on Monday 29/7/2019 sponsored by His Excellency Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mowas, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Where AAUP was earned the following positions in the university games:
The winning of Senjil Team in the Palestinian Super Cup Match for Volleyball against Jious Team 3 to 1, in an exciting match hosted by AAUP Sprots Hall